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Am sitting in the Best Western Hotel in Cairns, enjoying the 30 degree temperatures and sipping on a cold beer, reminising about the great people I have met in Cooktown, Queensland, Australia. It is an idylic, sleepy and relaxing town which I found extremely welcoming. I have been there since last Saturday, at Pam's Place, with some the great hosts Scott and Ardy. 

The area is fantastic ... I managed to exlpore a few of Cooktowns key attractions when time allowed ... Grassy Hill, the Cooktown Museum, Finch Bay, the Powerhouse and Botanical Gardens.

However, it wasn't all play. I was there to deliver a three day workshop on internet and social media marketing campaigns for the tourism operators in the region. It didn't even feel like work. A great bunch of people, a topic that I am passionate about, and a feeling that some real and tangible benefits will be the key result for the attendees. A genuine level of excitement from those who particpated in the workshops was to be visibly seen, as the workshops focused on practical applications of key website, internet and the ever popular (and sometimes misunderstood) social media strategies for small to medium tourism operators to drive bottom line results, generate revenue streams, engage with key target markets and build brand loyalty and viral marketing opportunities.
 Some innovative thoughts were developed through the workshops, with the partipants needs in this unique environment giving rise to the idea to develop a social network site dedicated to providing resources to empower those in the Cooktown tourism industry to drive their own business results. Additionally, as all business owners know, time is precious, meaning that bouncing ideas off each other and making time to meet outside 'working hours' can sometimes be a challenge. By devising a Cooktown Tourism Social Netwrok Site, those individuals and businesses will be able to create forums, direct meddage each other and work together to create a successful tourism region for Cooktown and Cape York.

I wish them all the best and will be keeping a keen eye on their progress. I will alsi be back to the region soon. Great people, great temperature, great place ... who could ask for more



madeline cooktown said...

Thanks heaps for the time and effort you spent on our sleepy little town, Steve. It was greatly appreciated by all involved I'm sure. I hope you had a relaxing time out of the big smoke. You certainly offered us a leg up in the industry and now its up to us to pick up the ball and run run run with it!!! We look forward to seeing you around again...

Socialeyes said...

Thanks for the nice words. I'm sure with a cocerted effort, Cokktown and Cape York will be on the must do tourist list when visiting Queensland in the very near future. Keep up the hard work said...


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